Project #1 Lost and Found


According to the desciption of my partner, Shivanjali Verma, the whole body color of this object is black. Basically the body is rectangle. It has digital screen in the middle of the body.There is a Logo,"HP", below the screen. There are three buttons on the left of the screen and the top one is power button. It has a cover on the body and a tray under the body. Both of them are black too. There is wire with power plug at the back of the body.

Design Process

Since the object a geometrical shape, So I started working on the main body and the components first. For the Logo, I put the context in the image by coding so I just drew "HP" out with "line" and "Arc". "Blendemode" is applied on the digital screen to make the reflection looks natural. Then I used "bezier" and I kept adjusting the anchor point and control point to make a nice curved wire. My partner didn't mention the desk in description but I assumed the object she described was supported to be placed on a desk.


The whole assignment was fun also very challenging. Since this course is the “Coding 101” to me, I have practiced all the fundamental skills through this assignment. Even I met some troubles in the process of creating a twisted curve, I still enjoy spending time to adjust it to the perfectness.I will keep practicing my skills and I’m ready to explore more in coding.